Love it, love it, love it, it looks fantastic!  These were my words in a text to Graeme after I finished planting my latest garden and could see the a "vision" that Graeme had created.

Graeme listened to what I wanted, to the ideas I had, he studied the websites I gave him, he talked to people for other ideas, he bought the plants to show me, leaving some with me to ‘look at and feel' allowing me time to see how they fitted with my garden, in creating "My Japanese Garden" - a wish I had from my years of living in Japan. 

I have worked with Graeme over the last three years developing a number of different gardens and each time I have been thrilled with the process and the final result.

In listening to my ideas, and plant favourites, Graeme uses his extensive plant knowledge to suggest other plants which will work well with ‘my favourites,'  to create something infinitely better than I could ever create.  Graeme knows which plants work and where they will work, he spaces them well giving them room to grow and blend creating great gardens for the years to come.

Graeme's style enables the gardener who is keen to learn, the ability to feel included in the garden creation, leaving me with a true feeling of ‘it's a team effort and it's MY garden'.  I look forward to the next project!

Vicki Dewdney

Graeme Burton - Landscaper - Rukuhia Homestead, RD2, Ohaupo 3882
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