Waikato Home and Garden show - October 2015 - Rukuhia Homestead Landscaping created one of the feature landscaped sites at the recent waikato home and garden show in october 2015. The themed site was based on a japanes style garden - and included a large bonsai cedar (CEDRUS DEODAR AUREA - it can be seen in the main photo) that Graeme has been nurturing and training for 45 years. It now stands pride of place in Graeme and Vals garden at the Rukuhia Homestead.
Also included in Graeme and his wife Vals site was a bamboo waterfeature (deer scarer type) that go click clack as it fulls with water and drops it to make a noise and scare the deer away in japan. The children visiting the show were certainly impressed with water features constant movement and noise of splashing water.
Other plants we included on the site were PRUNUS AWANUI - soft pink flowering cherry ACER MIKAWA YATSUBUSA - bonsai maple - 15yr old specimen in a traditional low rectangle bonsai teracotta pot LIGULARIA REGIFORMUS - tractor seat plant WISTARIA SINENSIS - trained as a topiary standard in a pot FRUITING PEAR TREE - trained as an espaliered specimen for a wall/fenceline PODOCARPUS HENKLEII - a beautifully graceful member of the totara family that makes a very cool looking hedge or backdrop to a garden.
OPHIOPOGEN JAPONICA NIGRA - black mondo grass - looks very cool amongst stone paving JUNIPERUS KAIZUKA - trained as topiary clouds - the specimen had its branches trained horizontally and had been in the same pot for 15yrs.
ACER TAMEUKEYAMA - a beautiful three stemmed crafted specimen with each stem being of a different height and each having red weeping branching coming from the top - very very cool for someone wanting a feature plant thats very different, we certainly had very positive feedback about the Japanese style garden and uniquness of some of the plants. Our whole purpose of creating this site was to inspire homeowners and show them some interesting garden style basing it on a Japanese sort of influence.