
Clever use of pots in gardens

Look at this beautiful specimen JUNIPERUS KAIZUKA topiary trimmed into balls. I often use plants in pots in the garden because the pot elevates the plant and actually makes them look bigger than they really are. This is a good idea for plants that are slow growing and for plants that we want to make a real feature of. It doesn't matter if the plant eventually grows out the bottom of the pot into the ground. The only maintenance for this plant is to lightly trim and feed the balls twice a year. I recommend GROWERS CHOICE SLOW RELEASE FERTILISER - it's all I use on everything in our garden and it's good because it's the same as what commercial nurseries use. Underplanted around the pot is a good shade-loving grass called ACORUS MINI GREEN

Graeme Burton - Landscaper - Rukuhia Homestead, RD2, Ohaupo 3882
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