A truly magnificent specimen of a maple showing off its fiery display of autumn colours.
The smaller growing maples generally make great pot specimens, and they don’t mind being rootbound. The only issue is keeping the water up to them over the hot dry summer months. You can see in the photo that the plant is at the moment in a considerably smaller plastic pot, and I am about to pot it on, into the larger ornamental ceramic pot. I will buy potting mix with the water holding gel, , as I find this is very beneficial for any plants going into containers. Also put a deep plastic saucer under the pot, and this will act like a water reservoir, from which the maple will draw the water up as it’s needed.
Maples look just stunning in the spring with their delicate new soft lacy growth, and then they create the most beautiful autumn foliage display as well. Maples detest strong winds, on their new leaves in spring, so a sheltered position is advisable. There are literally dozens and dozens of maple varieties, one to suit everyone’s size, shape and colour requirements.